
Armed with passion, the goal of Taipei CC is to create a stage where Chinese talents can, not only gain international exposure, but help local and international industry to spot these talents.

Through providing an international stage, we hope to help people with passion for creative process and innovation share their unique ideas or skills through presentations or performances. We also hope that this will become a community where like minds from various fields and expertise share and interact. Although we may not be able to meet everyone's expectations, but we are committed to create a near-perfect stage and make sure that you have fun while enjoying your very own spot light.

Taipei CC is for anyone who has creative ideas, concepts, works to share regardless of professional field. You may be a designer, brand expert, photographer, engineer, entrepreneur, student or even want to find sponsor or co-founder. Or perhaps, you just want to share a simple creative thought with the world. This will be an exciting start and one that you can be proud of, and we sincerely invite you to come meet and share with like minds like you.

From a passionate and sincere invation from Taipei CC.

Disclaimers for presenters :

No attempt of any form of product promotion.
We are not a platform for commercial advertisement.
We are not a platform for member recruitment.
We prohibit contents or works involving political or religious comments or criticism, or personal assaults.
Presenters must not have political background (Eg. No political campaign allowed as a part of the presentation content). Taipei CC


集結⼀群對創意、創新以及創作有熱衷的朋友,期盼藉由我們渺小與真摯的力量,提供專屬華人⼀個可以展現自己的舞台,讓全世界都能看見華人俱有豐富的人才與創造力,以及來自華人的熱情與價值。 Taipei CC非常歡迎所有領域的朋友們一起透過展演分享與交流,展現自我期許與自信,我們或許未能滿足所有人的期待,但絕對可以為您帶來美好時光與近乎完美的舞台。

你可能是一位設計師、品牌專家、攝影師、工程師、創業家、學生、甚至是尋求贊助或合作對象。 任何想分享有關創意和創新的想法或作品的人,專業背景不拘,都歡迎來做分享。 台北創意社群 ( Taipei Creative Community ) 敬邀俱有創意與創作經驗的您來分享,這是⼀個精彩的且將令您引以為傲的開端,誠摯邀請您一同來體驗分享者的熱情與相互交流。

一份來自台北創意社群 ( Taipei CC ) 的熱情邀約。


展演人不能以政治背景展出( 如政治理念或宣傳 )

